Water Plan

Reason for The Water Plan.

The western part of the United States has been facing a drought that has lasted for decades. The

Delta economy is founded on agriculture. Without water we will lose that foundation, which in turn will cause the whole local economy collapse. No farms will equal lower food production. Lower food production will equal in lower supply. Lower supply of food products will result in higher prices. This is called supply and demand. The same issue is being played out as we speak in the case of fertilizer.

The Plan

My plan to get the Colorado river water emergency under control is to build a seawater pipeline from either the Gulf of Mexico or Gulf of California. There are 2 options which seem to be the most possible. Option 1 is from Corpus Christi Texas to Delta Colorado. The issue with using the Gulf of Mexico from (Corpus Christi) 27.778000, -97.301194 to Delta Colorado 38.733298365671494,-108.1657850592191 is the distance is 977 miles.

Option 2 is from Puerto Penasco Mexico 31.33026390024497, -113.5484170970785 to Delta Colorado 38.733298365671494,-108.1657850592191. The distance is 598.22 miles. The difficulty of option 2 is we need the help of Mexico via land usage to build the pipeline. (Freemap tools). Since Mexico is part of the 1944 Colorado river Pact, getting them involved may be easy. (Water Education Foundation).

Once the pipeline is built, we will need to make a containment unit to keep the seawater from leaking into the local environment, killing the local ecology. Once the seawater is contained it will go to a boiling facility. The boiling facility will create hydrogen by using Electrolysis (Energy.gov). Hydrogen is the best use for this due to the extreme heat. Hydrogen can burn “2,660 °C (oxygen), 2,045 °C (air)” (Helmenstine, 2012). This extreme temperature will burn anything in the water including the salt leaving no pollutants in the steam. This can also create a ton of energy which due to Biden's policies, energy is extremely valuable. Since Delta is an Agricultural community, energy is not as important as water for us. Here is a basic Electrolysis Device in action



I have 2 methods to contain the water while boiling. Option 1 is to build a heat resistant pot. This can be done by using Cast Iron to ensure that the metal doesn't melt or stones. Option 2 is to build a big v shape hole with the flame on the bottom. Since sea water boils at 212 F or 102 C this gives us plenty of room where the residual heat from the flame will evaporate the water without the flame touching it.

Once the water turns into steam we can either release it into the atmosphere or use it to create power. If used to create power, it will go to steam turbines to create the energy and then it will be released. Lastly, once the steam is in the atmosphere it will condensate then precipitate onto the mountains, which in turns will flow down the local rivers Uncompahgre and Gunnison rivers which will merge into the Colorado River near Grand Junction Colorado.

(Magic School Bus)

While the price will be astronomical the best way for it to be paid is by trading land and land rights to the oil companies so they can drill. Since oil companies originally created oil pipelines https://www.britannica.com/video/180118/Overview-oil-pipeline-Standard-Oil-Company-and

It would be wise to use their expertise to reduce cost and maximize efficiency.

The Results

The results will not be immediate. The first 6 months we will see increase of rain on the mesa and

mountains. The true effects will begin during the winter time. We will see a huge increase of snow on the mesa, on the mountains as well as on the plains. The reason is simple, during winter the temperature will be naturally cooler.

This will decrease the time that steam turns into water droplets which will turn to water and then snow. The following spring there will be a huge surplus of water. To ensure that the rivers don't flood, the water companies will need to increase the number of water shares that people can have. This will give farmers more access to water which will increase food. Not only that but fields can be flooded which will ensure more water which will increase grass. Livestock will be able to eat the grass in turn increases not only feces which can be turned into fertilizer

(REMEMEMBER THE FERTILIZER SHORTAGES) but also increase the amount of cows. This will increase supply which will lower the price of meat products, milk products, and leather products.


Free Map Tools. (2019). Measure Distance on a Map. Freemaptools.com. https://www.freemaptools.com/measure-distance.htm

Colorado River Compact. (n.d.). Water Education Foundation. Retrieved July 8, 2022, from https://www.watereducation.org/aquapedia-background/colorado-river-compact#:~:text=The%20Colorado%20River%20Compact%20of,river%20for%20years%20to%20come.

Hydrogen Production: Electrolysis. (n.d.). Energy.gov.


Marie, A. (2012, May 2). Flame Temperatures Table for Different Fuels. ThoughtCo; ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/flame-temperatures-table-607307

oxygen hydrogen generator water welder flame polishing machine 150L/h. (n.d.). Www.youtube.com. Retrieved July 8, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeybWDyF4Qw

PBS. “Water Cycle - Magic School Bus.” Www.youtube.com, www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQKdkponoZM

Byron Benson and the world’s first oil pipeline | Britannica. (n.d.). Www.britannica.com. Retrieved July 8, 2022, from https://www.britannica.com/video/180118/Overview-oil-pipeline-Standard-Oil-Company-and#:~:text=Byron%20Benson%20succeeded%20in%20defeating,the%20world's%20first%20oil%20pipeline.