
What is education?

According to


the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.

the act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession.

a degree, level, or kind of schooling:

a university education.

the result produced by instruction, training, or study:

to show one's education.

the science or art of teaching; pedagogics.

Current Education System

The current public education system is a joke and should be dismantled. I graduated in 2004 and it taught me nothing of the current world. Nowadays, we can't even define what a woman is, what is the difference between male and female. Instead of teaching kids mathematics, reading/writing, civics, science; many of them are learning the difference between gay and straight. Another point in the dismantlement of public schools is the increase assaults that are happening in schools.

“I want her to be protected,” the girl’s father said. FOX31 has agreed to protect the father’s identity in order to protect the identity of his daughter. “It’s very difficult for her to walk in there every day knowing this is looming and that this alleged perpetrator is still at the school that she has to see every day,” the father said." (Low, 2022).

I believe that the only form of public education should be 24 access to libraries. Private education as well as home schooling is both more effective as well as cheaper for the community.

The Fix

First, its the duty of the parents to raise your kids not the government. I pay 500 dollars a year for school tax and they refuse to the the most basic of things. The money will be better used for the increase in library especially if the libraries are closed Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. (Times) On top of that they open at 10 am, why not earlier? As for the teaching of kids, private schools, tutoring or homeschooling is far more effective, cheaper, and increases the bond between parent and child. Through the Covid-19 pandemic, families started forming teaching pods.

For example, 5 families would team up. Out of those 5 families, each day 1 family would teach their as well as the other families children. "Micro-schools, pods, pandemic pods, and learning pods all refer to the same concept, one that is pretty easy to understand: students gathering together in a small group – with adult supervision – to learn, explore, and socialize." (National School Choice Week Team, 2022)


“Education Definition & Meaning.”,,

Low, Rob. “Cherry Creek Schools Accused of Slow-Walking Sexual Touching Investigation.” FOX31 Denver, FOX31 Denver, 13 Apr. 2022,


“Pandemic Pods Are Here, Are You in?” National School Choice Week, National School Choice Week, 21 July 2022,'sapod.